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Hope in the Morning

18th Annual Hope in the Morning Breakfast

Thursday, April 17, 2025 | 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. | Country Club of Lincoln

On April 17, 2025, Mourning Hope will host the 18th annual Hope in the Morning fundraiser. This invitation-only event brings together business and philanthropic leaders, elected officials, corporate partners, community members and grief professionals for an educational and motivational breakfast.

Mourning Hope exists because everyone deserves to grieve in a supportive and understanding environment. Because the death of a family member often brings financial instability, along with other life-altering changes, Mourning Hope’s services are available at no cost to participants, and no one is ever turned away.

Receiving no insurance reimbursement for programming, Mourning Hope depends on private donations from individuals, businesses, service clubs and foundations. To continue offering our programs and services to the bereaved in our community, we need your support.

If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please download and review the partnership opportunities form linked below. Ready to add your name or organization to our incredible list of sponsors? Click the option below to complete your form and donation online! 

About Our Keynote Speaker

John Sommers-Flanagan is a professor of counseling at the University of Montana, a clinical psychologist, and author or coauthor of over 100 publications, including nine books and many professional training videos. His books, co-written with his wife Rita, include Clinical Interviewing, Tough Kids, Cool Counseling, and Suicide Assessment and Treatment Planning: A Strengths-Based Approach. He has published articles or commentaries in the New England Journal of Medicine, American Psychologist, Professional Psychology, and the Journal of Counseling and Development. In 2018, he produced a three-part, 7.5-hour suicide assessment and treatment training video for mental health professionals with John’s current work primarily involves promoting an evidence-informed strengths-based learning model designed to grow student and teacher strengths, skills, resources, and virtues, rather than growing more mental disorders (which we have enough of). In his wild and precious spare time, John loves to run (slowly), dance (poorly), laugh (loudly) and produce home-made family music videos. You can learn more about John and Rita’s latest venture, the Montana Happiness Project, at

Thank You to Our 2025 Hope in the Morning Partners:

  • Champions of Hope ($5,000)
  • Sustainers of Hope ($3,500)
  • Stewards of Hope ($2,500)
  • Companions of Hope ($1,500)
  • Additional Support Provided By:
    • Jenny and Kelly Amend
    • Mary and Doug Campbell
    • Capitol Heating and Air Conditioning
    • The Ron and Chris Harris Charitable Trust
    • Kia of Lincoln
    • Cheri and Ted Parent
  • Print Sponsor