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Bequests & Endowments

We are incredibly grateful to those donors who wish to leave something for Mourning Hope in their Wills or pursuant to beneficiary designations on life insurance, retirement plans or other estate planning documents. All such documents should specify that the gift goes to Mourning Hope of Lincoln, Nebraska. And please let us know if you have an interest in other types of gift planning ideas. We enjoy a partnership with the Lincoln Community Foundation, Inc. to work directly with our donors to offer charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities or to create endowment funds that will provide for a lasting stream of financial support for us. Please contact us at or 402.488.8989 if we can help with your gift planning questions!

Mourning Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Mourning Hope's tax identification number is 47-0782915.